Posted by ancientlight on Nov 12, 2017
Below are some pictures from 1998 which show the extensive renovation project after the roof caught fire. It has been said that the roof was being worked on and a torch was left on when the workers went for lunch. If anyone has further information on the fire that they wish to share, we would be happy to add it to this blog so that others can know the full story. Simply contact us through our contact page You can click on the photos to see a larger...
read morePosted by ancientlight on Oct 26, 2016
Past masters of the Lodge of Ancient Light 88 Free Masons Ned Smith (left) and Ulf Ottho present Ladner student Christopher Tsui with a cheque for $1,000 to help further his education at Simon Fraser University where he’s working towards a bachelor of business. The annual award by the Masons is presented to a recipient who demonstrates a dedication to community involvement and volunteering. Tsui is president of student government, a council member with the Delta District Youth Advisory Council, a manager with the Delta Pacers, peer tutors math students and has extensive Red Cross first aid, which he puts to use at various community events....
read morePosted by ancientlight on Jan 26, 2016
Here is an old document dug up from the Vancouver archives. There is no question that freemasonry attracts good men of all rank and fortune and provides them with the tools to better serve their communities. You will often times find streets and monuments named after our distinguished brethren. Here is a historic document that was found in the Vancouver archives that belonged to Thomas Ladner, one of the founding brothers of Ladner’s Ancient Light Lodge #88. Click on the document below to see a larger...
read morePosted by ancientlight on Nov 30, 2015
In response to a request, the DDGM of District 2 proceeded to Ladner, the business centre of the Delta District at the mouth of the Fraser River, 12 miles southwest of the city of New Westminster, to examine a number of brethren who were desirous of forming a Masonic Lodge in the thriving community. He found that the local Freemasons had secured the Oddfellows’ Hall, which was comfortably filled. The meeting included several brethren who had journeyed a long distance to witness the work. On March 1, 1920, he proceeded to Ladner with a large retinue of brethren to institute the Lodge, the GM having granted the dispensation of February 21, 1920. He said...
read morePosted by ancientlight on Aug 20, 2015
If you see a man who quietly and modestly moves in the sphere of his life; who, without blemish, fulfils his duty as a man, a subject, a husband and a father; who is pious without hypocrisy, benevolent without ostentation, and aids his fellowman without self-interest; whose heart beats warm for friendship, whose serene mind is open for licensed pleasures, who in vicissitudes does not despair, nor in fortune will be presumptuous, and who will be resolute in the hour of danger; The man who is free from superstition and free from infidelity; who in nature sees the finger of the Eternal Master; who feels and adores the higher destination of man; to...
read morePosted by ancientlight on Jul 17, 2014
WHAT IS FREEMASONRY? What is there about Freemasonry that has attracted the patronage of kings, potentates and presidents? What is there about Freemasonry that has caused such men as Sir John A. Macdonald, and over a dozen premiers of this province, to value their membership? What is there about Freemasonry that has brought down upon it the abuse of totalitarian regimes and religious zealots? What is there about Freemasonry that has enabled it to survive persecution under tyrants, and caused it to flourish wherever people are free? What is Freemasonry? Some say that Freemasonry is a liberal education, but that does not satisfy. It may be one source for a liberal education, for those...
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