Ancient Light No. 88

In response to a request, the DDGM of District 2 proceeded to Ladner, the business centre of the Delta District at the mouth of the Fraser River, 12 miles southwest of the city of New Westminster, to examine a number of brethren who were desirous of forming a Masonic Lodge in the thriving community.  He found that the local Freemasons had secured the Oddfellows’ Hall, which was comfortably filled.

The meeting included several brethren who had journeyed a long distance to witness the work.  On March 1, 1920, he proceeded to Ladner with a large retinue of brethren to institute the Lodge, the GM having granted the dispensation of February 21, 1920.  He said it was one of the most rewarding and important of all his duties, and he was sure the spirit which animates all, from the WM to the youngest EA, will never allow the light of Ancient Light to grow dim.  At the Annual Communication on June 17, 1920, Grand Lodge ordered the charter for Ancient Light Lodge No. 88 at Ladner, and the Lodge was constituted on July 14 1920 at an Emergent Communication of Grand Lodge in the Oddfellows’ Hall, Ladner, by MW Brother Francis J. Burd acting as the GM.

The Lodge adopted the Canadian work for its ritual, and takes its name from the light that emanated from the Ancient Lamp of Aladdin, which appears in its crest; it was the brain child of the Third EM of the Lodge, who connected all his references with “wick” light.


Excerpt from: History of Grand Lodge of British Columbia AF & AM 1871-1970