Ordinary Men.
Extraordinary Values. Freemasons.
A Freemason is committed to bettering himself, his community, and the world. He is on a journey of self-discovery believing in something greater than himself, a journey in which he will be supported by other good men.

What is Freemasonry?
Freemasonry is a fraternity comprised of men from every race, religion, opinion, and background who are brought together as Brothers to develop and strengthen the bonds of friendship. With more than 3 million members around the world, Freemasonry is the oldest and largest fraternal organization on the planet.
Where do Masons come from?
Freemasons come from all walks of life. A Freemason is a man eager to be part of something bigger than himself. Maybe you have a fondness for history? A sense of compassion in your heart? A desire to create a better future for yourself and others?
A Freemason is a man who has taken an obligation to uphold our timeless principles of Brotherly love, relief, and truth. Beyond these basics, being a Freemason means so much more. A Freemason is a man who is committed to bettering himself and his community, having taken a solemn vow to help and mentor his Masonic Brothers do the same.
Where can I learn more about joining?
We never solicit membership in Freemasonry but welcome interest from any man and are happy to sit down over a cup of coffee and explain what we are about. Our Fraternity is comprised of men from every corner of the globe and the requirements for membership are that you are twenty-one years old and have a belief in some higher power than yourself.